
Private project proposal requirements

Private projects must show a clear public utility or provide a service to the community at large, which will be determined by a technical and economic evaluation by the Ministry of Social Development and Family (MDSF) that analyzes social impact. The proposal must be made in accordance with the procedure described below.

For donations to specific private projects, the MDSF proposes the following categories into order the homogenize the processes described in the National Investment System (SNI) with those considered in Law 20,444:

Processes described in Law No. 20,444 Corresponding SNI process
Construction Construction
Reconstruction Replacement
Remodeling Repair
Restoration Restoration

For replacement projects, the following scenarios may be considered:

  • With/without relocation.
  • With/without change in capacity and/or function.

For repair projects, according to section 2.3.2 of the Standards, Instructions, and Procedures (NIP), repairs may be “Major” or “Minor,” each with their own required procedures.

Equipment acquisition projects may also be considered.

Proposal of initiatives

  1. The MDSF will analyze the information submitted and may request additional background information in order to have all the necessary information to make a decision on the proposed initiative. The Ministry will notify the Proposer through the platform if there are any comments or requirements regarding the information. 
  2. The MDSF will deliver the results of the analysis through the Reconstruction Fund platform with one the following outcomes: Approved or Rejected.

When proposing private initiatives to the Reconstruction Fund, the requirements for each process are as defined and detailed below.


To propose a construction project, compliance with the applicable Sector Information Requirements (RIS) will be required, as well as the provisions of the current NIPs.


To propose an infrastructure replacement, the following documentation must be submitted:

  • Reconstruction Fund Proposal Form
  • Damages and Service Offering Data Sheet
  • Certificate confirming the feasibility of connection to public utilities.
  • Detailed architectural and engineering designs:
    • Preliminary architectural design, when standard solutions exist, or
    • Detail of the studies to be carried out during project execution
  • Timeline of activities.
  • Detailed budget for construction, equipment, and supplies, as applicable.
  Same location Different location
Same capacity and/or function
  • Ownership certificate of the site
  • Original, detailed architectural and engineering design, if any exists and is valid.
  • Ownership certificate of the new site
  • Original, detailed architectural and engineering design, if any exists and is valid.
  • Location analysis for the service provided, including analysis of expected and future demand.
Change in capacity and/or function
  • Ownership certificate for the site
  • Plan or drawing of the site.
  • Justification of additional works, considering supply and demand estimates.
  • Ownership certificate for the new site
  • Location analysis for the service provided, including analysis of demand and its anticipated evolution.
  • Plan or drawing of the site.
  • Justification of additional works, considering supply and demand estimates.

When evaluating initiatives, the location of the infrastructure is an important factor. The risk level and land use restrictions reported by the competent public agencies will be evaluated, which may require such infrastructure to be relocated or its requirements modified. Therefore, complementary methodology for disaster risk assessment in public infrastructure projects, available on the SNI website, must be implemented.

Equipment and supplies projects

For equipment and supplies projects, only the following documentation is required. However, if the project is part of a construction, replacement, repair or restoration project as mentioned above, this information must be provided in addition to the information requested in each section.

Restoration or repair of heritage infrastructure

In these cases, the following documentation must be provided:

Submit your project at: